Thursday, April 22, 2010


It wasn't until the last minute that we'll (I'll) start to worry about what's going to hit us (me). E.g. Mock exam. Haha. Sometimes, I miss those olden days (okay maybe not so long time ago) when we had exams for like one hour plus? And completing multiple choice questionnaires, gosh they're so extinct nowadays. And one fav method, 'tembak', and still passing the exams. Lol. Life was so simple then, but fun.

During those days, life as a student was not just about studying and passing the exams. Nor it was about going out for movies or 'lepak-ing' at shopping malls etc. Well, for me. Growing up in a small town is very different. When I was young, going to the cinema was special, up till before I came to Sunway. And I still remember the first movie I watched, Titanic. It was at some mini cinema which went bankrupt not long after. There were no popcorns or Coke, instead, we ate indian kacang. Haha. I remember the excitement, the joy whenever dad announces that we're going for movies. Somehow, it was fun. Although I couldn't really catch what they're talking most of the time. Haha.

A matter of fact, there're no malls at my place. Supermarkets, yes. So its quite impossible to hang out there. Instead, it may just be around the tar road near the tuition place. We'd walk and explore the place, usually at night, or pranking some irritating kids. Or just buying ice cream, junk food at a nearby grocery shop. Who cares about health, money, or getting fat. Haha. We'll talk about the latest series showing on TV, complaining about teachers, anything and everything. And I had always wished that my dad will be late to fetch me. Haha.

Oh I recall how I always dreamt of going to the world out there. Couldn't wait to leave the house and to live by myself. Naive I was.
And how I wish that my home is just right at the corner now. And now I understand, why home is the best place on Earth. And its never about the place, but the people around you.

Haha not trying to imply anything here, just expressing my thoughts. Sorry that its a bit draggy. Starting to feel sleepy already, yawns, andd I'm signing off. Goodnight people. :)

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