Monday, May 31, 2010


世界上只有两种可以称之为‘浪漫’的情感:一种叫相儒以沫, 另一种叫相忘于江湖。我们要做的是和最爱的人相濡以沫,和次爱的相忘于江湖。也许不是不曾心动, 也许不是没有可能, 只是有缘无份,或是情深缘浅。


回首往事的时候,想起那些如流星般划过生命的爱情,我们常常会把彼此的错过归咎为缘份。其实说到底, 缘份是那么虚幻抽象的一个概念。真正影响我们的 往往是那一时三刻相遇与相爱的时机。之间的交往,其实充满了犹豫忐忑的不确定与欲言又止的矜持。一个小小的变数就可以完全改变彼此选择的方向。如果彼此出现早一点,也许就不会和另一个人十指相扣;又或者相遇得再晚一点,晚到两个人在各自的爱情经历中慢慢地学会了包容与体谅,善良与妥协,也许走到一起的时候 就不会那么轻易的放弃,任性的转身,放走了爱情。

在你最美丽的时候 你遇见了谁? 在你深爱一个人的时候,谁又陪在你身边? 爱情到底给了你多少时间 去相遇与分离 去选择后悔? 不是不心动,不是不后悔,但是已经没有时间去相拥。如果爱你一个无法在一起相爱,却无法在适当的时候相遇。爱了,爱在不对的时候,除了珍藏那一滴心底的泪,无言的走远,又有什么选择?

在时间的荒野,没有早一步也没有晚一步。于千万人之中,邂逅自己的爱人,那是太难得的缘分。更多的时候 我们只是在彼此不断地错过,错过杨花飘风的春,又错过了枫叶瑟索的秋,直到漫天白雪,年华不再。在一次次的心酸感叹之后,才能终于了解 即使真挚。即使亲密,即使两个人都已是心有戚戚,我们的爱 依然需要时间来成全和考验。

这世界有太多这样那样的限制与隐秘的禁忌。又有太多难以预测的变故和身不由己的离合。一个转身,也许就已经一辈子错过。要到许多年以后 才会渗透所有的争取和努力,也许还抵不过命运开的一个小小玩笑。上帝只不过在云端眨了一眨眼,所有的结局 就已经完全改变。



能够相遇算是有缘分,大家要好好珍惜身边的人! :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I just love them! :)

Another favourite - Officially Missing You.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reach Out

Things are falling out of my grasp.
I don't know what's wrong, and it pains me to see all of these.
What should I do?
There is always hints of weakness in me, no matter how strong I tried to become.
I guess there's no way around other than going through it.
And get stronger.

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have a sudden craving for pizzas, its been a long time since I last ate one. I think it was during last year when my friends celebrated my birthday at Pizza Hut. Haha. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not crazy over pizzas, just ate them occasionally. But I reckon they do taste good. :)

I have taken a recent liking to thin crust pizzas, from Domino's. Very crispy crusts, not too much bread and cheese(not too fattening). Haha.

Oh and I love those Japanese ones too, aka Okonomiyaki. Ingredients usually include seaweed, fish flakes, mayonnaise, octopus/unagi /teriyaki chicken.
I had this at Pasta Zanmai. Its delicious. :)

People who love cheese will certainly love this. Pizza with cheese-filled breadsticks as its crust. Imagine melted cheese when its fresh out of the oven. And served with dipping sauce (you can try this at Pizza Hut) ;)

For chocolate lovers, chocolate pizza with Smarties toppings. Lol.

Googled pizza and I found this, Mickey-shaped pizza. Aren't they cute? Haha.

They sell frozen ones too..

And lastly, heart-shaped pizzas. To be shared with your loved ones. :)

Now, are you craving for pizzas too? ;P

Twentysixth of May

Happy 20th Birthday to you, Ong Shu Yun.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

10th of May

Its Catherine's 20th birthday on the 10th. We booked her time on the 9th for dinner, bak kut teh. :)
Group picture: The birthday girl is the one on the left.
We then went to check out the new mall in town, Empire Gallery. The place's quite nice, can't wait for all the shops to be opened. There are nice restaurants there: Rakuzen, Chilli's, Italiannies, The Loaf etc. Took quite a lot of pictures, haha. Here they are:

Lots of mirrors = lots of pictures. :P

Group photo. :)

Cath and Jade. Leng lui's. 

Live performances. Singing The Carpenters' song. :)

Decorations with paper flowers. 

Miss Yeannin.

Guess what? We're having fun. 

To the kid's playland - Toys R Us! We're young at heart. ;)


Happy Birthday, girl! :)

Saw these miniature toys on display. Adorableee! 

Somebody is annoyingly tall. :P

Down the escalator with our distorted faces. Haha.

And we ran into Elmo. :D

Habis exploring, dessert time! 

SS15 - Snowflake's. :)

Ice Series.

Miss Cath and Miss Cai Ling.

Cheers! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Goodnight Wish

I'm a toothless Santa Claus, who says 'fast' when its supposed to be 'vase'.
Flying through the night sky in a convertible BMW with auto pilot and worldwide GPS system. (well, in case I got caught by the whomping willow)
I have a backpack, or a goodie bag, whichever you call it, with bottomless surprises inside.
And, I have something for everyone tonight - a goodnight wish.

Hohoho, goodnight people. :)

I'm gonna have a fairytale dream tonight. With you. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just Do It

Hell yeah.

This will be the epic Nike ad for the season. Haha. Something to brighten up your day. :)

So it seems that I'm left with 1 day until the hell-like revision class starts. Woke up early today, thought of doing some catching up on homework but ended up here. Haha. Anyway, I'll be slow to update the blog, I'm delaying the posts so they'll be a lil bit outdated. Hehe. :P

Anyway, this post will be about my trip to KLCC.
We were early that day, and so went for a walk at the park near the convention centre. In the afternoon, had lunch at The Apartment, and fyi, its not at the apartment. Lol. To the PC fair afterwards, and as usual, its fully cramped with people. We were almost suffocating, escaping as quickly as possible then, and met up with Cai Ling, her bf and also Huei Wen. Haha. :D
Journey back went smoothly, with a little help from luck. Haha.

At the park.

The Apartment.
I like the atmosphere, the setting. It'll be great to come here at night. :)

Notice the lift? Haha. There's a second floor, which I think should look nicer. ;)

and I.

Plain water

and passion fruit soda.

Chicken and mushroom spaghetti

and cheese baked fish.

The food is great. Go for the fish. :)

Miss, open your eyes when you're driving kay. Haha. :P

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars?