Monday, August 2, 2010

Twittery Twitter

Twitter was down for maintenance today. :S

Their error images are really cute. Especially this one. Haha.
Its called the fail whale.

They always have this over capacity problem, wonder when they're gonna fix it. -.-

The whale reminds me of a shirt I once tried at Billabong. :)

And then when I googled I found this. Cuteness. :D

Dead whale. :S

Lego whale! Haha.

Necklace? Lol.

They even made a cake out of it. Haha.

Michael Jackson? Haha.

As you can see, Miss Tan here is too free. Actually not. I have PT exam coming up this week, but... I'm just not motivated to study. Someone please come and knock some sense into me. Oh well..

Up and down and up, and down again. Life's like a roller coaster isn't it?

I think I'm going to bed. Tata and goodnight.

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